Jackson Duhon

[Web Developer]
[Digital Artist]

[About Me]

I'm a full-stack web developer and digital artist with a background in music technology and performance. I grew up in Austin, TX, where the days are as long as the tacos are delicious, and Willie Nelson roams the streets singing songs about cowboys he's never met. Now I reside in Seattle so that I can stare at the gum wall whenever I’m not building cool stuff with computers.



Contributors: Miguel Pou

What is it? An FM Synthesizer that allows the user to create generative compositions.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Web Audio API, P5.js

My role: Sound Design, Sound Sythesis, Instrument Design.

Cal Pal

Contributors: Annelisse Smith, Reno McKenzie

What is it? A deployed Alexa app that helps you make good nutritional decisions.
Won first place in the General Assembly Amazon Alexa Hackathon.

Technologies: Node.js, AWS

My role: Backend developement, Natural Language Processing


Contributors: Miguel Pou, Leo Burke, Kemal Degar

What is it? A full stack web application that helps you keep track of job applications.
Won first place in the General Assembly 24 Hour MEAN stack Hackathon

Technologies: MongoDB, Angular, Express, Node.js

My role: Authentication, Authorization, Models, Controllers, Deployment.


Contributors: Zoe, Kemal, Chris

What is it? A full stack web application for storing information about your bike
and web crawling through Craigslist to help find it if it is stolen.

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Nokogiri

My role: Authentication, Authorization, Models, Web Scraping.

Code Pen

What is it? This is my Code Pen. It's where I doodle out ideas and keep some of my animations.

Technologies: I mostly do canvas animations in Code Pen.


Front End
Back End
